Wednesday, December 17, 2014


Dear Inspirations,

The more I think about it, the more I hate this.  
The more it fustrates me.
The more I want to be in another place.
The more that I need life to hurry and fix itself.
The more I need GOD to fix this for me.
The more I think about it, the more I hate this.

I know whatever is up next for me has to be better than just this.
It has to be a better day a head of me.
Life must be getting ready to take a turn.
It has to be.

The more it fustrates me.
The more I want to be in another place.
The more I want more
The more I must find a way to leave.

That's what I tell myself.
Just has to be another way.

Forgive me for my moment.

Love Jasmine P.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Hope (Two years)

Dear Inspirations,

Yesterday marked two years that I graduated from college and began my journey as a real adult. Graduation had so many emotions running through my body that day. I think for the most part I was extremely excited and nothing could take that joy away from me.

Well, two years later I am still not where I want to be in my career. I work a job that isn't to rewarding at times and most of the days it feels like a chore that I have to do. I have been applying for two years literally and nothing has really looked up. Yes, it's very discouraging at times to keep going but somehow week after week I go. Can you imagine week after week applying and hearing nothing? Can you imagine getting those letters "blah blah blah, thank you for applying we found a better canadate blah blah"? Yea, I have seen so many of them in the past two years.

Yesterday marked my two years post grad and it also felt like it marked a turning point in my life. I went on a interview for a company and a position that I know I am qualified to do. The interview went well and at the moment I felt hopeful. Yesterday I found hope. Now don't get me wrong I am Positive Patty and Motivational Mandy most days but in my mind sometimes I am I often fighting
myself thinking like Negative Nancy and Down Debbie. I believe that's human and that we all feel like that sometime.

I don't know if I got the job yet and I won't find out until January but that moment gave me hope.

I challenge you to find hope. To move forward in your life and keep applying yourself. The world is a cruel place at times but look for hope. To all of my grads live in this moment and don't ever give up.

Love Jasmine P.

Monday, December 15, 2014

DearJasmineP Gifts for Xmas

Dear Inspirations,

This weekend I had the privilege to volunteer at the George R. Brown Convention Center. It was such a joy to be a part of such an awesome event 20 years running. I remember years ago being one of the kids that received a toy in the audience. I remember how it made me feel inside to have someone give me a Christmas present. As I stood on the food line adding wieners to buns and putting chicken nuts on plates it gave me so much life.

As you know I started a shirt campaign in hopes to make enough money to bless a family or individual with something for Christmas. Well, the first set of shirts didn't go as planned and honestly apart of me wanted to give up. I kinda felt defeated, but then I realized that maybe my shirt goal of 75 was to high and sometimes you have to start small. So I relaunched the campaign with a goal of 10 shirts and I lowered the donation amount. Within two days we made the goal!! It gave made me so happy inside that We raised $53!

After we reached the goal I had to figure out how I was going to get a family nominated. I social media buzzed as usual and  in two days I received the first email. I was up late that night and I had just said "I'm going to sleep". When I read that email about 3 precious kids in need my heart was moved so much that I couldn't go to sleep. I had to do something and it was bigger than just the 53$ so the next day I made a few phone calls and tried to see what I could find.

That's when I found out about the Toy Drive, I knew it happened in Houston every year but I wasn't sure when. I signed them up and I even signed myself and Young Ladies of Elegance up to volunteer.

I looked forward to the event for the following week and as time got closer I only hoped that the kids would be able to make it.

They did!!! Their mom had no idea what the event was or who even signed her up. She explained to me that she is working two jobs to make sure that they have a good Christmas. I watched tears fill her eyes and I watched her beautiful kids smile.

That moment changed my life forever. Don't get me wrong I have been giving all year and it made me happy but nothing was like the smile on their faces. They hugged me like I had known them forever they were holding my hands like I was their big sister. The event went on and we hung out when I wasn't serving food.

At the end they got their toy, took a picture with Santa and got their faces painted.

Giving from the heart is what I know I am here to do. Honestly, they can have the 9-5 and the meet the deadlines. I just want to travel the world changing lives and giving to people that's when I am at my happiest.

I will be visiting those kids again on Christmas Eve with another Christmas gift with the funds from the shirt campaign.

Thank you to everyone that donated and gave to the cause. A big thank you to Shelia Jackson Lee and Young Ladies of Elegance/Young Men of Character. Also a thank you to the person that nominated the family. Last but not least Thank you to Carolina Rodriguez #CarosavesChristmas and Adeola Oguntuga for believing in me.

I hope that you felt inspired enough to help someone in need or just put a smile on someone's face.
Love JasmineP.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Komplexxblends Brand ambassador

Dear inspirations 

I'm officially a brand ambassador for Komplexxblends! I've kept it a small secret but I'm happy to share with you all! Last night was my first photo shoot with the team! 

I need you all to support and purchase products through the link below! It's not just makeup, a percentage of sales 
go directly to Parkinson's disease.  The quality products are affordable and amazing on!! You want it we've got it! You know you love it! 

Follow me on ig: othatsjasmine 
Follow @komplexxblends

All products on are Komplexxblends 
Mua: Karian D 

Lip: Red light 

Lip: Patriotic (this one shocked me how cute it was on me!) Blues clue! 

Lip: High class (my favorite thus far) 

So that was a brief look at a few of my favorite lips! Go purchase! 

Love Jasmine P. 

<a href="">
Click here to visit Komplexx Blends Cosmetics</a>

Monday, December 8, 2014

December Mission

Dear Inspirations

This December I plan to write a letter a day to a friend or someone that I know. So far it's been going well and I've been keeping up. Some people have even wrote me back which I enjoy the most. Life is so precious and you just never know what the next day may bring so because of that I found myself spreading more and more love by the mintue.

 If I left the world today or tomorrow I only want people to remember that I had a big heart and that I gave with no thought of it coming back to me. We live in a world of so much pain at times and often  the only light that is shined is the one on the negative. I honestly feel like my only mission is to inspire, to motivate, to uplift and to encourage. Now if I could just find a way to actually make a living wouldn't the universe be a better place.

If you happen to get a letter know that it's coming from an sincere place.

As always.... I love you.


Sunday, November 30, 2014

(No) vember

Dear November 

Thank you for showing me who I am. For reminding me to put my best foot forward and for keeping me grounded. November you were short and sweet. This month reminded me of how short life is and how thankful I should be unto the small things. I know that I did everything I could to make the most of it. The lessons you taught me will be inside of me. On to another month. Taking what I learned and applying it to the last month of the year. As we say goodbye to Novemeber and welcome December keep in mind why you started. 

Love Jasmine P. 

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


Dear inspirations 

I was sitting at work today and something just came over me! I found this site where I could make a shirt and get a donation. This year  DearJasminePgiftsforxmas will be launched to give gifts to children that are  need of gifts  during the Christmas season.  You will have an opportunity to help me help a family or a child get something for christmas. While we know that Christmas isn't the only time to give I encourage you to give all of the time! Purchasing a shirt will support the cause and make a donation. If you find it in your heart to help me make someones Christmas Special it would be greatly appreciated. 

We have to sell 75 shirts before the campaign ends and before they are shipped! You won't be charged until we reach the goal! Tag all social media outlets! 

Thanks in advance! 
Love DearJasmineP.

Monday, November 10, 2014

New doors request.

Dear inspirations 

Old ways don't open new doors. I want new doors. I have to get some new ways. 

God help me gather my thoughts to fuel one thing so that I can be great. I don't want to be standing at the same door. I know I am capable of being great. Help me open a new door. 

Happy Monday! 

Love Jasmine 

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Stronger than this.

Dear Inspiration

This is a personal reminder to myself... Because your doing so well people will attack you.
Because they are mad about their life decisions people will try to bring you down.
Because you are happy and they are miserable they will come for you.
People will come for you when you didnt even send for them.  
People will try to rain on your parade on a sunny day.
But what will you do?

You will remain faithful.
You will remain positive.
You will stand and shine.
You won't fall to those attacks.

At this exact moment I refuse to fall victim of the attacks that are coming against me this week.

While my life is calm on most days the enemy wants to see me revert back to the old me.

I won't do it. I'm bigger than this. I'm stronger.

I challenge you to do the same.

Love Jasmine P.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Halloween and Antics

Being born on Halloween has had it's ups and downs.

My grandmother believed for the longest that I was satans child and she refused to let me celebrate it.

We sat in the dark with the lights off to ignore tricker treaters. We would always celebrate my birthday the day after or the day before to avoid the chaos. Every year I would have prefered to have a halloween party. As a kid I believed that the whole world was really celebrating my birthday and I just wasn't invited. I loved Halloween then and I love it now.

Those were the days. (not really)

Now that I'm older I can hardly wait to celebrate my birthday at my own cause and my very special way. Last year I was in Nigeria, living life at no cost.

This year I'm turning a quarter this year and at first it was scary. The little halloween baby turns a quarter yup... I was pondering on what to be for Halloween. Then it hit me. As a kid I loved LOVED
Minnie and Mickey mouse... Ok it might have been a slight obsession.

So for Halloween this year I choose to be Minnie- Minus Mickey.

I'm excited to share with you the finish product of my costume. I'm also having a small gathering to celebrate my quarter birthday.

Pics coming soon (:

Happy Halloween in advance.

Love Jasmine P.

Day (dream)

Dear Inspirations

What's the dream?
What's the goal?
Where do you want to go?

Where do you envision yourself in 5 years?

At the end of the day what is the one thing you must be doing?


What does it take to get there?
What will you do to fuel that dream?
Why will you keep going?


Go and don't stop until its complete.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Reflections of October

Dear Inspirations,

As the month of October comes to a rapid close, I can only feel an array of emotions. in 27 days I learned more about myself than I thought I would. The idea of giving excites me and I spend a lot of time trying to give. I assume it to be my role in society and when I'm giving I am at my happiest.

While life this month seems to have flew by I found my self bask in in the goodness of small joys. When I choose not to measure my life up against other perople. I now  know that I am doing pretty darn good. People can tell you all day but until it hits you is when it really sinks in.

  I can't tell you if it is the change of events in my life that has me feeling the way I do but I will say that I have throughy enjoyed October.

I've kept a close knit friendship with the people who really matter in my life. It's not that others don't matter to its just that some choose to be who they are.  This month I learned not to force it, Man it sounds so easy coming out. But forcing it has been my way for the longest time.
What happens when you chill? Sometimes the chips stack up and things go like you wanted them to.

Today I took one step closer to the next move on my monoply board. Grand prize coming soon.

In other news guess who's tuning older in 3 days? Me.
100 days ago I was freaking out about it and even kind of upset.
But today I must say "I'm ready for the next level of my life".

Whatever it entails I'll be merry with it. I know life will bring storms and there will be times when I feel like giving up but because of what I believe and who I serve I can't.

I won't.

Thank you to those in my circle who put up with me on a daily bases. The people that love me weather I have $2.00 or 20,000.

So before I blow out the candle on my imaginary cake. This time I would like to make an open wish.
I wish for happiness, love and most of all a open heart to accept what ever happens.

Closes eyes***** Blow........



Love Jasmine P.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Week 1 (October means Gratitude)

Day 1-write a letter to a friend expressing gratitude. 

Day 2: Leave a dollar somewhere and attach a note with your ig handle 

Cancer Awareness

Dear Inspirations

The past 10 days of the October Gratitude challenge have been great. I've thoroughly enjoyed giving to others and making them feel good. At the same token I have been working on a Cancer Awareness Gala. Working on the Gala has taught me a lot about myself and about others.

I realize I love planning events. I love watching things come together from the ground up.

This year we have 15 cancer survivors ranging from the ages of 6-75. I have worked closely to contact them, and keep them updated on the Gala. It has been a task and a challenge at times.

I guess I never really realize how detrimental cancer could be until a couple of months ago. I had heard of people having cancer but no one that was close to me. In August, My best friend lost her father to cancer a couple of months ago another found out about cancer. Each time I wished there was something I could say besides "It will be ok, or I'm here for you. Losing someone can be extremely tough but to lose them to a disease that you might not have been able to prevent is even worse.

With this month being Cancer awareness month I am so grateful that I was able to help put together an event. The gala will honor people that have survived cancer and a salute to those who have lost their fight.

As I worked on this event I've felt so much strength from each one of the survivors.

I've felt courage, love and hope.

I've felt empowered.

I was able to donate a dress to one of the survivors that I really wanted to wear but it didn’t fit.

Talking with one of the survivors she said that she didn’t consider herself a survivor because she was going to get hit by a bus or die from cancer.

That statement touched my heart.

What do you say to someone after that?

While some people have lost their lives I do believe that anyone that is currently fighting cancer and yet alive is a SURVIVOR.

I hope that I am never diagnosed with Cancer and I hope that they find a cure for it sooner than later.

This blog is to inspire you to keep going.

Know that your situation could be worse.

This is not the end.

You can make it.

I believe in you.

P.S- Stay tune for pictures.

Love Jasmine P.


Tuesday, September 30, 2014

October Calendar

Dear inspirations 
October has made its way to us once again! I love October and usually it's all about me. (Birthday bliss) this year I decided to express gratitude to others the whole month of October! Below is a list if you would like to participate! If you do please tag me in your acts of gratitude @dearjasminep. 

You would be surprise how making someone else's day could actually make you feel better. I've been practicing at least one of these each month since January and I promise you my life has been so much better. Things literally just fall out the sky for me at times. It only takes a moment to make someone's day.  You don't have to do them all! Please feel free to share with friends! 

October 1- Write a letter to a friend expressing gratitude (mail it) 
October 2- Leave a dollar somewhere write a small message and leave your ig handle
October 3- Give someone a hug 
October 4- Leave a voicemail on a love ones phone.
October 5- Do something to make your spouse or friend feel good about themselves  
October 6- Compliment a stranger 
October 7-  Donate something  
October 8- Write down your goals and post it somewhere you can see them 
October 9 Encourage someone via fb,ig, or twitter 
October 10- Buy something for someone 
October 11 Hold or Get the Door for Someone
October 12 Say a prayer for someone besides yourself 
October 13  Write down something positive on a sticky note and give it to someone 
October 14 Ask someone how their day was and truly listen 
October 15- Make something and give it away  
October 16- Apologize to someone
October 17- Share a positive story with someone 
October 18 - Leave a pen. (Wrap a sticky around it with a quote) 
October 19- Spread some love to your siblings let them know you care 
October 20- Call someone that you haven't talk to in a while. 
October 21- Share 5 sticky notes with 5 co workers. (Just leave them on their door or office) 
October 22- Free day (Its been 21 days of acts you deserve a break) 
October 23- Your idea of an act 
October 24- Online inspiration (post something that inspires) tag @dearjasmineP
October 25- Leave a note somewhere (to your server,cashier, friend) 
October 26- Say a prayer for someone else. 
October 27- Believe in yourself 
October 28-  Uplift yourself 
October 29- Smile and compliment yourself 
October 30- Treat yourself 
October 31- celebrate yourself (Write down how October made you feel) 

Happy October! I look forward to you all sharing with me! 

Love Jasmine P. 

Goodbye September

Dear September 

Today is the final day of September what did you accomplish? 
How did you do? This month I learned a lot about who I am as a person. I'm extremely complicated at times. I believe in hard work and at times I can get frustrated easily. This month I was able to stay on task for the most part! I met deadlines and I opened a new door for love to come in. I slowed down on my over thinking.  Today I took a step closer to the next level of my life. I delivered about 10 motivational sticky notes to coworkers. I Bought lunch for a stranger and a co worker. I managed to make two new friends and I believe I inspired a few kids. I organized a birthday party for my mom and I also celebrated with friends. September was an awesome month and I'm looking forward to making new memories in October.

Love Jasmine P. 

Thursday, September 25, 2014


Dear you.
 It is as if you fell out of the sky and she was walking by.
She doesn't think you could have showed up at a better time.
You were in her dreams, but now you're here as the real thing.
If she falls I hope you catch her.
She hopes to be in your arms forever no matter the weather.
Usually her thoughts consume her and swallow her, but in this case it hasn't
shes just watching time.
Where have you been all her life is the the only thing that keeps coming to mind?
There's more to be said, so many things to explain.
Right now the only thing that makes sense is why other things didn't work out.
To say that she feels differently about a lot of things would be yet another understatement.
She hopes that you promise to put up with her as a headache.
Flaws and all.

How they met is a mystery but how this story ends is a fairy tale.
This is all for now.
Love, Jasmine P.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Slay dragons

Dear inspirations 

Today I have a simple message and it is to simply slay the day just as you would a dragon. Think about it if you can slay a dragon you can do anything. There is no other way. You can't give up on yourself and there is no way I'm going to let you. While I know this week will be challenging for me I refuse to give in. I don't care how you get it done just get it done. Use google, phone a friend, ask for help, what ever you do make it happen. I know that you will be able to do this. So as I close keep this in mind. Slay! Slay. Slay dragons. 

P.s.- I love love love all of you (seriously) 

Love Jasmine P. 

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Coffee and Curls.

Dear Inspirations

To think..... "life is what you make it" This along with many others  should banned cliches.
What if you try to make life everything and nothing ever happens?

I'm sitting here at my 7:45-4:00 gig thinking to myself its so many other places I could be... Paris, Germany,Hawaii, Chicago, Nigeria, Atlanta. or even in my bed sleep.

Instead I'm here sculpting minds and changing lives one smile at a time.

I'm cool with that. In a recent conversation I discovered that I was right where I needed to be. At this very moment I'm extremely happy with the way things are.

I've found myself thinking less and less about the negative and more and more about all the ups life will bring.

I attribute most of that to GOD and my (A) <later blog>.
You ever feel like things are just to perfect for words?
Or that you've finally fell into place? 
Have you ever been singing Whitney Houston out of no where (wait that's probably only me) Well, That's how I've felt this month. Maybe it's the future birthday hype.
I'm not totally sure, but I can say I feel  beyond BLESSED.

This blog isn't really for you all.
Now that I think about it.
It's really for me.
For me to look back on and remember.
For me to digest and track my growth as a scholar and as an artist.

You know I'm a artist right? Everyday I'm an artist. I wish I could  stream my thoughts on a projector or show you deep my love runs. That would be so creepy and cool at the same time.

One of my friends help me to accept things for EXACTLY what they are. The moment you start expecting more and putting extra additives on things that's the moment you set yourself up to loose.

This might have been one of my "off into a tangent moments" but I hope I triggered something inside of you.

If not there is always next time.

COFFEE AND CURLS. (inserts a sip)

Sincerely, Jasmine P.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Only Good in

Dear Inspirations  

Today I decided that only good can come in. If it's not good why would you even bother yourself with it? In so many ways you can easily be a better person just by doing this. 

I woke up thinking today was Saturday and it wasn't! 

I hope your day Is going great. The universe is always true. 

Love Jasmine. 

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Reminders to make it happen

Dear inspirations 

We know that each day is a new day yet some of us wake up with yesterday on our mind. It's gone and we can't get it back. 
So my question is are you using your time wisely? 
I'm having a real moment with myself right now. I haven't been. I've been to tired to fuel the dream in the last two weeks I've made excuses for myself. 
I've applied places and I've even looked into a few things but I'm just kinda like blah blah blah. 
It shouldn't be this way. 
I have so much potential but what's potential if you don't do anything with it. I know I have to reboot and shut my system down from losing my aunt. 
Maybe I'm mourning her death? But will that be my excuse for life? No. 

Shake yourself Jasmine snap out of it. Do what you set out to do.

Sometimes you have to lose to win. Happy Wednesday! 

Enough of my streaming thoughts. I love y'all btw. 

Love Jasmine P. 

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Forever in my heart.

Dear Inspirations 

On behalf of our family I would like to thank each and everyone of you for all of your calls, messages, support and everyone that came by. 
When I think about my life without  aunt Julie I wouldn't be able to stand here. 

If you knew Julie you knew that she had a big heart. She loved everyone unconditionally. Julie wasn't like a mother to me she was a mother to my sisters to my friends and possibly to you. 

She was easily everyone's  favorite. 
When she was sick she kept fighting even when she didn't know how she was going to make it. 
If you knew Julie you knew she loved The Lord and she was a prayer warrior. One of the things that I can remember the most about Julie is her smile and how she was able to connect with a stranger. We would be in the store and she would stay in there talking for hours. We would go out to eat and she would hold conversations with the waiter. I remember thinking she just love to talk! 
Those are memories that I will hold dear to my heart. 

 We know that God only takes the best. Today is a celebration of Julie's life and her legacy. Even though she isn't with us in the presence she will be with us in our hearts. Please continue to keep our family uplifted in your prayers we will need it as time goes on. 

The final moment. 
Pictures are worth a thousand words. Here's one. 

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

At Peace

Dear inspirations 

When you lose someone close to you what do you do? 
Do you blame yourself for not being there? 
Do you think about all the times you could have checked on the person? 
Or do you even think far back to the first encounters you had with this person? 
Well one of my Heroes went to heaven last Thursday. 
Aunt Julie was a hero because she helped everyone. She didn't met strangers and she loved us all unconditional. 
I contribute half of my success to her. She is the reason I have the friends I have and the reason I went as far as I have. 
Today I swallow the fact that she is gone and she will NEVER return. Julie was sick but she was a fighter. She fought when she didn't have to she fought when she was tired. 
I know I'm all over the place with this one but I just needed to get it out. 
I'm upset with myself because I didn't talk to her as much as I should have the last year and a half. 
I didn't call get before she went to surgery. I knew she would come out. 
And to be honest I think I was upset with her for moving and not including me in her plans when I left to Nigeria. 
I'm not upset anymore and I regret not calling her before she went to surgery. 
She never made it out of her second heart surgery but apart of me is at peace.
At peace because she was who she was to me. At peace because she believed in me. At peace because I called her for every birthday. At peace because I prayed for her all the time. At peace because she made a lasting impact on me and the people around me. Most of all I'm at peace because I know she went to heaven. 

If you can read this now auntie I'll say "thank you for everything, and I love you for who you are to me and you will never die in my heart. 
On Saturday when we lay you to rest you will live on. 

Love Jasmine P. 

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Safe haven?

Can I get a window seat because I don't want nobody next to me. 
I'm internally bleeding. 
Emotionally leaving. 
She's lost in her mind trying to find her way. 
There you were sitting by the window and I should have known that it was you. 
I'm forced by my mind to ignore but that just won't do. 
The flower in my hair and your deep stare. 
It's as if you knew who I was and I could smell your drug. 
I've been tucked away with no intentions of misbehaving but there you were becoming my safe haven. 
I close my eyes and I push everyone away and yet you still stand, 
You still command to be a man. 
I'm not that amazing and my life is always blazing. 
But yet you still try, you still hear my cry and when I ignore your calls. I still feel your warm connection. 
I still know you care. And if you think for one moment I don't care I do I just have a stupid way of showing it. 

But until the dust settles and the feathers are plucked I'll be here from a distance pretending to have it all figured. You know and I know that I'm suffocating in my own thoughts. I'm caught in my bubble and I'm sort of trouble but some day some how, 
I hope to find my self in your safe haven

Friday, August 1, 2014

Just drafting on a blurry road

Day 5 

Who is it that your trying to be?
What happens if your never that person?
Do you cease to exist because of it? 
What happens when your imagination gets the best of you? 
Who will keep your dreams alive if you don't?

What if I said your a winner and it's all in your brain would you believe me? 
I'm sure you wouldn't because at times I don't believe it. 
Who said the road would be skittles and snowflakes? 
I think the media forces us to believe that things are easy. 
Where does the hard work take place? 

Is it deep within your soul? 
Is it the sleepless nights? 
Do your student loans count?
I know how great You can be. 
It's up to you daily to reach for the bucket of dreams. 
Keep going even on the hard days. 
That job your at isn't your highest point. 
You have more time and if you start today it's yours. 

I'm just drafting. 

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

June and July

Dear June and then Ju(LY)

When I think back on how great June was.... wait who am I kidding June was horrible in my mind. I found myself sinking in my own misery.  I went to work, home and to the gym a few days. A whole month went by and I don't think I have anything to show for it.

I set myself on this imaginary time meter and now that I'm no where near my plan I feel like I failed.

Did I fail? Why does it feel this way? 
How come I continue to look around me at the people who reached higher success.
My dad is proud of me for all that I've done thus far.
My mom encourages me daily to do better.
All of my friends are in my corner and they cheer me on.

Yet in my mind somehow I feel like I have nothing going for myself.
The month of June was rough on me mentally. I wasn't even able to complete a random act of kindness. 30 days passed by and because I was being selfish I gave nothing and I shared nothing with the world. I'm ashamed of my selfishness. This week is my last week of my current job until August.
I hope for a new job in a new direction. I pray for a better situation and then I have to stop and ask myself is this situation that bad?

My life has been on a countdown thus far silently I've been keeping track of my accomplishments and my downfalls.
(122 days til my birthday ) I really can't help it.
I'm proud of where I am but I'm upset because I need to be at other places.

With social media taking over the world day by day I think its easy to get caught up in the hype of what you should be, could be, want to be, hope to be, aspire to be, need to be.

I have a 101 blue prints on what my life will look like in the next 10 years. What happens if none of those blue prints work out?

I'll have to accept it and go with the plan God has for me. It's easily said but hard to follow and wait on.

I am hard on myself but shouldn't I be.
Who wants to wake up at 40 still standing in the same spot.
Sometimes things are out of your control and all you can do is just breath.

Dear Ju(ly)

I ask that this month I have patience with myself, that I take the time to appreciate where I am standing and how much I've grown as a woman.
I hope that I can give and really accept things for what they are.

Life can be overwhelming at times and I will be the first to say that "You can do it.
in the same token I have a hard time taking my own advice. It could all be so simple but instead its called life.
Enjoy when life is great and most of all don't give up when life gets to hard. I want joy in July that's all.

Thank you to all of my followers, friends and family who continue to believe in ME.

Love Jasmine P.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

My first practice reel

This was literally 2 years ago I cant believe how fast time flew. I appreciate the experience and some day I hope to explore my on camera talent.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Happy birthday Chrys

Dear Chrys 

Your my my only nephew and your growing to fast. Yesterday you turned three and you made me the happiest aunt in the world. 
You bring more than joy. 
You fill a void in my heart. 
I'll always be there when you need me. 
Who knew my kid sister would bring me a nephew. I live for all of your moments. 
I love you to the moon. 

Love you 
Your first auntie Jazz

Jmyia Chrys and I 

Let me see your tounge! 

They just song happy birthday and now I'm feeling like the man. 

Auntie you and your bear hugs are the best and someday I'll tell you to get off of me but right now I'm gon take it with your love able self. 
This smile is genuine. 

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


For hours she sat in one spot. 
The feeling of defeat. 
If pain had a name she could end this game. 
She wanted more, but nothing came. 
The power to change or the power to remain the same. 
If she quit today would anyone notice. 
For hours she sat in one spot. 
No one understood and no one could. 
She wanted to win but her team kept losing. 
She had so many questions. 
But there's never enough answers. 
If silence could speak what would it say? 
For hours she sat in one spot hoping things would be different, but they weren't. 
The story ends and she eventually  lives happily ever after. 
Faith. & Hope. 

Monday, May 5, 2014

In advance

Dear God 

I thank you today  in advance for allowing me to make it to the top. If it's not the top that I mapped out but the top you decide for me and I'll accept that. I'll keep working hard. 

Picture: New Orleans Jazz Festival 

Thursday, May 1, 2014

May (be)

Dear May

I'm fighting with a battle of what I have to do and what I want to do. 
I want to stop going to work and clocking in but I know right now that is impossible. 
I really just want to travel the world, help people and change lives, 
How do I do that? 
Today I googled flight attendants. Didn't really sound like I could change a life there so I hit the x.
Tonight I had a burst of inspiration to create the shirts that I've  wanted  well that I always envisioned. 
I want to move forward with my book and my non profit so I revisited my plan. 
Why does it feel like I have to many ideas going on and not enough time. 
I feel like I'm racing against myself at times. 
I want to calm down but I can't. 

Writing this blog frustrates me because I want all the answers and I want to know what's next but God won't let me. 
Tears  are starting to fall from my eyes because I know I'm capable of being great it's just seems so far away. 

Cam said "crying is an emotion and at the end of an emotion nothing was accomplished" 

Tonight I was reminded that some people will never change and I appreciate that.  
Cam (thank you for those words of encouragement.) 
Thanks for offering to help me pursue my list of ongoing to do's 
I never really thought about things the way you put them into perspective. 
The past few days I've been sick and it has not been nice. 
Thank god it is Friday! 

To my dear friend Wendy who I love dearly thank you for being who you are to me and pushing me to be positive. 

To my  inspirations take life serious but not so serious all the time (laugh a little) 

This month push towards one of your dreams so at the end of the month you can feel accomplished! 

Enjoy May and you just might BE whoever it is that you want to be. May(be)

Love always 
Jasmine P. 

Random Acts of kindness

I read often about celebrities making contributions to the needy  and giving back to the community. One day I plan to do the same but since I'm not able to just yet I decided to start small with random act of kindness each month. Below you will find a lost from each month as they come. 

January- I made a nailshop payment for one of the y.l.o.e. Members. I paid for my eyebrows and before I left I noticed one of the newer members and I silently paid for her nails. 

6 super reader awards- I purchased gifts for the students in my tutorials that had the highest level of performance. 

February-  since it was the month of love I decided to spread love to everyone that I could 

School secretary- a thank you card for his hard work 

A small bag of candy and pencils for each of my students with cupcakes and cookies "the love party" 

Helped a friend in Maryland that was seeing hard times 

Helped T.V. With something 

March- I just wanted to help people go forward in anyway possible. 

Lended a helping hand to K.P. (My freshmen year bestie) 

Binder and paper for a student in need 

Volunteered at the prom dress giveaway with yloe. We helped over 50 girls find a prom dress. The expressions on their faces were priceless once we found that perfect dress for their senior prom. 

Met a girl name Bri and I took it a step further and gave her my phone number for further assistance. 


Random Acts of kindness: In my efforts to make the world a better place each month I try to give something back. My month of April: Meet Bri on the right. I met her at the Prom dress giveaway that I volunteered at , I helped her find the dress of her dreams, she looked beautiful by the way, after that I gave her my phone number so she could call me just in case she needed something else. Last Friday the day before her prom she called me and I met up with her to ensure she had everything she needed! Bri was so grateful when I sent her to the nail shop on me. So she could look and feel her best!! She started crying and that made my heart smile. I'm far from rich and at times I don't know where my next dollar will come from but I do know that there are many blessings in giving and some day soon I'll be able to do more! I'm still searching for my purpose but I do know I'm passionate about giving! January, febuary, and my March acts of kindness will be posted on my blog! What will you do this month to help a stranger? Give? Encourage? Inspire? Motivate? Kind words? #dearjasminep #aprilacts #houston #giveback

Stay tuned as the months progress!! You just never know where the next random act of kindness will come from! 









Monday, March 31, 2014

Reminder to myself

Dear inspirations 
"Remember the highs and the lows and that you  can make it as long as you keep going" 

Love you. 

Sunday, March 23, 2014


Dear inspirations 

I've missed you all so much now that I barely have time to do anything. In January I crossed over to a new field  and it's had me tied down without much wiggle room. Lesson plans and grad school assignments. 
This week was my spring break and I can say that I thoroughly enjoyed it. I usually take a road trip or fly some where but this time I was in Houston. Running errands with my amazing mom, eating, and sleeping in. 
 "Time flys when your having fun" 
I guess I had a lot of fun, but it seem like the time slowed down a little bit or I did a lot of stuff! 

When I think about the week it feels like a blur but my pictures will clear it all up. 

 I met some amazing people over spring break. Darrien our waiter at Pappasitos extremely cool guy. Angela and Ashley the make up artists at Mac. They were so sweet, have you ever met genuine people? I love people that can laugh about anything. I feel like those people enjoy life the most. You should try it one day. Just laugh at yourself if you make a mistake or just laugh when times get tough. 
After the makeup session me and mom had a Photo shoot. The photos were just for fun and I remembered how much I love taking pictures. It had me thinking about pagentry again. Perhaps I should look into that. 

This spring break I fell in love with myself all over again. I think I was so  stressed and worried from class, work and the breakup. (Yes the breakup)

Speaking of the breakup I believe it's always good to "hash it out like a couple of grown ups"
I didn't want to and I'm sure if my mom hadn't have forced me I would still be bitter about it all. (I thank God for her) 
I'm grateful to know that me and him may not ever be together again but I do know that I loved him and he loved me we just had a few issues that I can't go into details on. 
I forgave him though and I hope he forgives me. 
I grew just a little after our conversation. 
I asked him what should I do and his reply was "To find someone that loves you as much as I do" 
I wonder where that guy is. Or if he even exist. 
I'm not searching that's for sure. 
In other news... 
I have picked up a habit of procrastinating and  it's killing my life. 
This week I plan to really focus in and do everything I need to do. 
I've been thinking we need to take everything up 4 notches! 
When I'm not writing it's not that I don't want to it's just I get a little busy. 
Who created this career woman??? 
This week forgive people that hurt you, rekindle friendships that you think are worth it. Let your hair down if you need to or pin it up. Talk with strangers and most of all love yourself. Make time for the people that want to be in your life. 

Angela at Mac 
My nephew and I 
Beating with Ashley 
Rasushi with mom 
This picture describes so much without saying anything
My little sissy 

Love Jasmine P. 

To motivate. To share. To inspire. To give hope.