Friday, October 10, 2014

Cancer Awareness

Dear Inspirations

The past 10 days of the October Gratitude challenge have been great. I've thoroughly enjoyed giving to others and making them feel good. At the same token I have been working on a Cancer Awareness Gala. Working on the Gala has taught me a lot about myself and about others.

I realize I love planning events. I love watching things come together from the ground up.

This year we have 15 cancer survivors ranging from the ages of 6-75. I have worked closely to contact them, and keep them updated on the Gala. It has been a task and a challenge at times.

I guess I never really realize how detrimental cancer could be until a couple of months ago. I had heard of people having cancer but no one that was close to me. In August, My best friend lost her father to cancer a couple of months ago another found out about cancer. Each time I wished there was something I could say besides "It will be ok, or I'm here for you. Losing someone can be extremely tough but to lose them to a disease that you might not have been able to prevent is even worse.

With this month being Cancer awareness month I am so grateful that I was able to help put together an event. The gala will honor people that have survived cancer and a salute to those who have lost their fight.

As I worked on this event I've felt so much strength from each one of the survivors.

I've felt courage, love and hope.

I've felt empowered.

I was able to donate a dress to one of the survivors that I really wanted to wear but it didn’t fit.

Talking with one of the survivors she said that she didn’t consider herself a survivor because she was going to get hit by a bus or die from cancer.

That statement touched my heart.

What do you say to someone after that?

While some people have lost their lives I do believe that anyone that is currently fighting cancer and yet alive is a SURVIVOR.

I hope that I am never diagnosed with Cancer and I hope that they find a cure for it sooner than later.

This blog is to inspire you to keep going.

Know that your situation could be worse.

This is not the end.

You can make it.

I believe in you.

P.S- Stay tune for pictures.

Love Jasmine P.


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