Monday, March 23, 2015

Motivation for Monday

Dear Inspirations, 

Today I woke up feeling on top of the world!  Although my spring break is over and I am back to work I woke up with no hesitation.

 I think my hair is on point, my outfit was together and I even feel well rested.

It's almost strange because  over the weekend I suffered a setback.

 I think this is me really, really trying to practice what I preach wholeheartedly.

It's the first day of the week and I decided not to let anything steal my joy.

What's odd is the moment I said that it seem like the devil was like "BOOM! I am going to get you"

I had a small wardrobe malfunction now that alone can take you from a 10 to a 0, I was able to utilize my fashionista skills to pull it together.

Then my original plan for work was reassigned, (What I planned for today was no longer important and the copies I made no longer mattered) Don't you just hate when that happens.

Instantly I was  hit with a thousand negative thoughts. I quickly recovered those thoughts with a quick prayer.

Why am I sharing? I just wanted to let you know that even when you plan to be positive somethings will be thrown at you. The devil will TRY YOU.

 Even when you are prepared things will go wrong. Just TRY TO KEEP being POSITIVE. 

It's only Monday and I am sure there is more to come, but one thing I do know for sure is that I will keep going in this positive direction.  " My setbacks are a setup for a great comeback, This is not the end for me, this is only the beginning".

I know I have probably said this a thousand times and I am sure that I keep starting over and that's okay too.

Love Jasmine P. 

Friday, March 13, 2015

Over (DUE)

Dear Inspirations,

I would like to personally apologize for taking a five week break like I did. The last few weeks have been mentally taxing. I had nothing positive to share in my life.  I know exactly why, but I would rather not share that part.  Honestly, I think I have been in some type of funk. I have woke up daily trying to shake it and I  even tried to trick  myself  into believing that "I was okay". Truth is I wasn't and I really haven't been.

Without going into detail to much I will say that I know that God has heard every cry and every prayer that I have asked him to do in my life. Now it's just a matter of time and patience.
Somedays  I just knew I couldn't go on.
Each time he would send me a sign.
He would send someone my way every time  to say "you can do this".

I always tell myself "things could be worse Jasmine". Things could easily be worse. I made it through worse things then this before right? What's crazy is each day I tried to wear a smile and each day it seem like someone tried to take it off my face. Yet I am still alive, still breathing.
Everyone still depends on me. Everyone still believes in me. How could I give up? How could I quit?

Truthfully, that's the only thing that has got me as far as I am today.

You can say that this blog is  a personal reminder and it's totally for me but I would like to think that you needed to hear this as well.

Today marks the beginning of spring break and the beginning of better days.

From here on out I will focus on my blessings. By faith its already done. I encourage you to do the same.

Love Jasmine P.

To motivate. To share. To inspire. To give hope.