Wednesday, December 17, 2014


Dear Inspirations,

The more I think about it, the more I hate this.  
The more it fustrates me.
The more I want to be in another place.
The more that I need life to hurry and fix itself.
The more I need GOD to fix this for me.
The more I think about it, the more I hate this.

I know whatever is up next for me has to be better than just this.
It has to be a better day a head of me.
Life must be getting ready to take a turn.
It has to be.

The more it fustrates me.
The more I want to be in another place.
The more I want more
The more I must find a way to leave.

That's what I tell myself.
Just has to be another way.

Forgive me for my moment.

Love Jasmine P.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Hope (Two years)

Dear Inspirations,

Yesterday marked two years that I graduated from college and began my journey as a real adult. Graduation had so many emotions running through my body that day. I think for the most part I was extremely excited and nothing could take that joy away from me.

Well, two years later I am still not where I want to be in my career. I work a job that isn't to rewarding at times and most of the days it feels like a chore that I have to do. I have been applying for two years literally and nothing has really looked up. Yes, it's very discouraging at times to keep going but somehow week after week I go. Can you imagine week after week applying and hearing nothing? Can you imagine getting those letters "blah blah blah, thank you for applying we found a better canadate blah blah"? Yea, I have seen so many of them in the past two years.

Yesterday marked my two years post grad and it also felt like it marked a turning point in my life. I went on a interview for a company and a position that I know I am qualified to do. The interview went well and at the moment I felt hopeful. Yesterday I found hope. Now don't get me wrong I am Positive Patty and Motivational Mandy most days but in my mind sometimes I am I often fighting
myself thinking like Negative Nancy and Down Debbie. I believe that's human and that we all feel like that sometime.

I don't know if I got the job yet and I won't find out until January but that moment gave me hope.

I challenge you to find hope. To move forward in your life and keep applying yourself. The world is a cruel place at times but look for hope. To all of my grads live in this moment and don't ever give up.

Love Jasmine P.

Monday, December 15, 2014

DearJasmineP Gifts for Xmas

Dear Inspirations,

This weekend I had the privilege to volunteer at the George R. Brown Convention Center. It was such a joy to be a part of such an awesome event 20 years running. I remember years ago being one of the kids that received a toy in the audience. I remember how it made me feel inside to have someone give me a Christmas present. As I stood on the food line adding wieners to buns and putting chicken nuts on plates it gave me so much life.

As you know I started a shirt campaign in hopes to make enough money to bless a family or individual with something for Christmas. Well, the first set of shirts didn't go as planned and honestly apart of me wanted to give up. I kinda felt defeated, but then I realized that maybe my shirt goal of 75 was to high and sometimes you have to start small. So I relaunched the campaign with a goal of 10 shirts and I lowered the donation amount. Within two days we made the goal!! It gave made me so happy inside that We raised $53!

After we reached the goal I had to figure out how I was going to get a family nominated. I social media buzzed as usual and  in two days I received the first email. I was up late that night and I had just said "I'm going to sleep". When I read that email about 3 precious kids in need my heart was moved so much that I couldn't go to sleep. I had to do something and it was bigger than just the 53$ so the next day I made a few phone calls and tried to see what I could find.

That's when I found out about the Toy Drive, I knew it happened in Houston every year but I wasn't sure when. I signed them up and I even signed myself and Young Ladies of Elegance up to volunteer.

I looked forward to the event for the following week and as time got closer I only hoped that the kids would be able to make it.

They did!!! Their mom had no idea what the event was or who even signed her up. She explained to me that she is working two jobs to make sure that they have a good Christmas. I watched tears fill her eyes and I watched her beautiful kids smile.

That moment changed my life forever. Don't get me wrong I have been giving all year and it made me happy but nothing was like the smile on their faces. They hugged me like I had known them forever they were holding my hands like I was their big sister. The event went on and we hung out when I wasn't serving food.

At the end they got their toy, took a picture with Santa and got their faces painted.

Giving from the heart is what I know I am here to do. Honestly, they can have the 9-5 and the meet the deadlines. I just want to travel the world changing lives and giving to people that's when I am at my happiest.

I will be visiting those kids again on Christmas Eve with another Christmas gift with the funds from the shirt campaign.

Thank you to everyone that donated and gave to the cause. A big thank you to Shelia Jackson Lee and Young Ladies of Elegance/Young Men of Character. Also a thank you to the person that nominated the family. Last but not least Thank you to Carolina Rodriguez #CarosavesChristmas and Adeola Oguntuga for believing in me.

I hope that you felt inspired enough to help someone in need or just put a smile on someone's face.
Love JasmineP.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Komplexxblends Brand ambassador

Dear inspirations 

I'm officially a brand ambassador for Komplexxblends! I've kept it a small secret but I'm happy to share with you all! Last night was my first photo shoot with the team! 

I need you all to support and purchase products through the link below! It's not just makeup, a percentage of sales 
go directly to Parkinson's disease.  The quality products are affordable and amazing on!! You want it we've got it! You know you love it! 

Follow me on ig: othatsjasmine 
Follow @komplexxblends

All products on are Komplexxblends 
Mua: Karian D 

Lip: Red light 

Lip: Patriotic (this one shocked me how cute it was on me!) Blues clue! 

Lip: High class (my favorite thus far) 

So that was a brief look at a few of my favorite lips! Go purchase! 

Love Jasmine P. 

<a href="">
Click here to visit Komplexx Blends Cosmetics</a>

Monday, December 8, 2014

December Mission

Dear Inspirations

This December I plan to write a letter a day to a friend or someone that I know. So far it's been going well and I've been keeping up. Some people have even wrote me back which I enjoy the most. Life is so precious and you just never know what the next day may bring so because of that I found myself spreading more and more love by the mintue.

 If I left the world today or tomorrow I only want people to remember that I had a big heart and that I gave with no thought of it coming back to me. We live in a world of so much pain at times and often  the only light that is shined is the one on the negative. I honestly feel like my only mission is to inspire, to motivate, to uplift and to encourage. Now if I could just find a way to actually make a living wouldn't the universe be a better place.

If you happen to get a letter know that it's coming from an sincere place.

As always.... I love you.


To motivate. To share. To inspire. To give hope.