Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Hope (Two years)

Dear Inspirations,

Yesterday marked two years that I graduated from college and began my journey as a real adult. Graduation had so many emotions running through my body that day. I think for the most part I was extremely excited and nothing could take that joy away from me.

Well, two years later I am still not where I want to be in my career. I work a job that isn't to rewarding at times and most of the days it feels like a chore that I have to do. I have been applying for two years literally and nothing has really looked up. Yes, it's very discouraging at times to keep going but somehow week after week I go. Can you imagine week after week applying and hearing nothing? Can you imagine getting those letters "blah blah blah, thank you for applying we found a better canadate blah blah"? Yea, I have seen so many of them in the past two years.

Yesterday marked my two years post grad and it also felt like it marked a turning point in my life. I went on a interview for a company and a position that I know I am qualified to do. The interview went well and at the moment I felt hopeful. Yesterday I found hope. Now don't get me wrong I am Positive Patty and Motivational Mandy most days but in my mind sometimes I am I often fighting
myself thinking like Negative Nancy and Down Debbie. I believe that's human and that we all feel like that sometime.

I don't know if I got the job yet and I won't find out until January but that moment gave me hope.

I challenge you to find hope. To move forward in your life and keep applying yourself. The world is a cruel place at times but look for hope. To all of my grads live in this moment and don't ever give up.

Love Jasmine P.

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To motivate. To share. To inspire. To give hope.