Monday, December 8, 2014

December Mission

Dear Inspirations

This December I plan to write a letter a day to a friend or someone that I know. So far it's been going well and I've been keeping up. Some people have even wrote me back which I enjoy the most. Life is so precious and you just never know what the next day may bring so because of that I found myself spreading more and more love by the mintue.

 If I left the world today or tomorrow I only want people to remember that I had a big heart and that I gave with no thought of it coming back to me. We live in a world of so much pain at times and often  the only light that is shined is the one on the negative. I honestly feel like my only mission is to inspire, to motivate, to uplift and to encourage. Now if I could just find a way to actually make a living wouldn't the universe be a better place.

If you happen to get a letter know that it's coming from an sincere place.

As always.... I love you.


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To motivate. To share. To inspire. To give hope.