Wednesday, May 13, 2015


Dear Inspirations,

In the misdt of me not having the best week of my life I reached a breakthrough of some sort.
I know this might not mean  much to you, but it means everything to me.
One of my post on Instagram reached 105 likes.
I assume a lot of people could relate to the post.
I must agree! It was one of those YES moments for me as well.
As I stated before I never created the page for the likes, I created it to help myself.
I considered it to be open therapy.
Once I continued posting  I realized it was also helping others.
When I say others I mean people that sometimes need an extra kick in motivation.
I am honestly proud of the growth in numbers that the page reaches daily.
You can say that I feel a sense of graditude when people comment saying "I needed this" or "right on time".
 Moments like that reinterate that DearJasmineP serves its true purpose.
To inspire. To motivate. To give hope. To share truths.
 I  know that I have been facing a lot of trials this week. Mentally and emotionally, but its always a storm before the calm right?

I know that I am facing these situations to make me a stronger person.
Some day I am sure I will get to write the world's best selling novel that will allow me to add moments like this.

You know those "I came from nothing.... One room... roaches.. and we didn't have any running water".
I think those stories are all similar to my story minus the roaches and the running water.

This blog is just to say thank you to all of the people that follow and like  DearJasmineP.
You are appreciated.
The struggle is going to end one day. 
The struggle is worth it.
The struggle can't last forever.
Yours Truly
Jasmine P.

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To motivate. To share. To inspire. To give hope.