Dear inspirationsOctober has made its way to us once again! I love October and usually it's all about me. (Birthday bliss) this year I decided to express gratitude to others the whole month of October! Below is a list if you would like to participate! If you do please tag me in your acts of gratitude @dearjasminep.
You would be surprise how making someone else's day could actually make you feel better. I've been practicing at least one of these each month since January and I promise you my life has been so much better. Things literally just fall out the sky for me at times. It only takes a moment to make someone's day. You don't have to do them all! Please feel free to share with friends!
October 1- Write a letter to a friend expressing gratitude (mail it)
October 2- Leave a dollar somewhere write a small message and leave your ig handle
October 3- Give someone a hug
October 4- Leave a voicemail on a love ones phone.
October 5- Do something to make your spouse or friend feel good about themselves
October 6- Compliment a stranger
October 7- Donate something
October 8- Write down your goals and post it somewhere you can see them
October 9 Encourage someone via fb,ig, or twitter
October 10- Buy something for someone
October 11 Hold or Get the Door for Someone
October 12 Say a prayer for someone besides yourself
October 13 Write down something positive on a sticky note and give it to someone
October 14 Ask someone how their day was and truly listen
October 15- Make something and give it away
October 16- Apologize to someone
October 17- Share a positive story with someone
October 18 - Leave a pen. (Wrap a sticky around it with a quote)
October 19- Spread some love to your siblings let them know you care
October 20- Call someone that you haven't talk to in a while.
October 21- Share 5 sticky notes with 5 co workers. (Just leave them on their door or office)
October 22- Free day (Its been 21 days of acts you deserve a break)
October 23- Your idea of an act
October 24- Online inspiration (post something that inspires) tag @dearjasmineP
October 25- Leave a note somewhere (to your server,cashier, friend)
October 26- Say a prayer for someone else.
October 27- Believe in yourself
October 28- Uplift yourself
October 29- Smile and compliment yourself
October 30- Treat yourself
October 31- celebrate yourself (Write down how October made you feel)
Happy October! I look forward to you all sharing with me!
Love Jasmine P.