Thursday, September 25, 2014


Dear you.
 It is as if you fell out of the sky and she was walking by.
She doesn't think you could have showed up at a better time.
You were in her dreams, but now you're here as the real thing.
If she falls I hope you catch her.
She hopes to be in your arms forever no matter the weather.
Usually her thoughts consume her and swallow her, but in this case it hasn't
shes just watching time.
Where have you been all her life is the the only thing that keeps coming to mind?
There's more to be said, so many things to explain.
Right now the only thing that makes sense is why other things didn't work out.
To say that she feels differently about a lot of things would be yet another understatement.
She hopes that you promise to put up with her as a headache.
Flaws and all.

How they met is a mystery but how this story ends is a fairy tale.
This is all for now.
Love, Jasmine P.

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