I spoke with a friend yesterday about a number of things. Mainly this person spoke about how at times they do things for people and they don't expect anything in return. I could agree with that statement whole heartedly.
The person also, said that at times it would be nice if someone thought of them the way they thought of others.
Could you imagine a world where everyone thought of someone else besides themselves?
I think that could possibly could bring world peace. Somehow people might react different. Somehow people might wake up in a better mood. Think about.
Whenever it's Christmas and someone gets you a gift that you didn't expect at all.
How does that make you feel?
Happy right?
What about when you find some money on the ground?
What about when someone says... "I like that shirt"
You feel like "man I am having a great day"
What about the time someone offers to pay for your food and you say "no I am ok"
And they do it anyway. These are the moments that the universe needs more of. These are the moments that could change your life or someone else’s.
I am a believer in random acts of kindness.
I am also a strong believer in showing gratitude to others.
Do we know this statement to be true?
Why not help make someone else’s life a little bit better?
I am not saying go out and spend your paycheck on your rude coworker.
I am not saying give a compliment to ever person you see.
I am also not saying go without for another individual.
I am simply saying...
Think of someone else.
Think of a way to help someone in need.
Think of how you can possibly make someone’s day.
P.s. It’s almost Friday.