Dear Inspirations
For a Monday I feel relatively good which is always a awesome thing. Despite last week being so hard for me mentally I made it through. I even had a few moments of "This can't be life, The struggle can't be this hard'', but it was.
You ever have a bad day and no matter how you try to get passed it seems like it just keeps getting worse? That's how last week was and I am truly glad that it is behind me.
This week I'm looking forward to good news. Since last week was so bad I know this week will be better. I can almost feel my breakthrough coming. I am closer to victory. I am closer to my dreams. I can feel things getting better. I see myself coming out. These are the things I tell myself.
I am feeling pretty BEASTLY!
In current events...
@DearJasmineP on Instagram reached 700 followers last night. I know that might not be much to you, but for me it feels like 700k. I started the movement really to help myself daily and then I realized how much people needed to see inspiration daily. I feel bad somedays and sometimes I can't even post because I don't believe in the message. On those days I scroll down my timeline and others inspire me. Followers like @Choran89 gives me hope to go on. I have no idea how we began following each other, but I'm so glad we did. Although he lives in New York and I'm in Houston together we have made the perfect inspiration team. My only hope is that he doesn't stop and that he holds me to the same promise.
I love reading all of the comments that say "thank you for this" and other positive thoughts. To all of my followers thank you for following, I hope that my truths inspire you and motivate you to chase your dreams. One day I to will follow my dreams and I hope you all remember this blog and remind me of my promise.
More good news, DearJasmineP finally has a LOGO and I am in the process of getting shirts designed! I am excited for the finish product! Coming soon!
This week be encouraged, I know this is SO easy to say, but really try to stay positive.
Stay motivated by all of the positive things that are happening in your life. Embrace your struggle and embrace your future. Every now and again a door is closed, but its only for a new one to be opened. I know he truly has a plan for my life, for your life, for our lives! This week I challenge you to dig deep and unleash your inner BEAST!
Inspiring and Empowering all over....