Thursday, November 3, 2016

She's a GOAL digger

“I’m going to get my life together”.

You know there is an app for that.
No, there isn’t an app for that, but imagine if there was!
Geesh, looking at my goal list for 2016… and if I am being truthful I must say I slacked all year.
Goals are always great to have, but what’s a goal with no plan of execution?  
It’s just words with no real meaning.
Life has a funny way of making you feel like you’re not where you need to be.
Looking at my goal list makes me feel like I failed myself.
“Jasmine, you had 365 days to complete your goals what happen?”
Looking at it again makes me feel like I lied to myself all year.
But the truth of the matter is “Life happens”
I knew when I set some of those goals it would be almost impossible or very hard to complete.
Some of them were  just outlandish. “Loose 100 lbs”
I mean I know that might sound doable to some people, but for most of the year I was pregnant so.. (go figure).
We never think about all of the goals we did accomplish though.
One of my 2016 goals was to get married (DONE)
Move into a bigger space (DONE)
Graduate with my MPA (in the works 12.10.16)
DearJasmineP  an official doing business name (DONE)
Get closer to God (ongoing goal)
See I wasn’t on social media the whole year. I was out in the streets making things happen (lol)
Speaking of social media... I think this is the root to not completing goals.
In efforts to get my life together I am slowly going to be taking big breaks from social media. This week I deleted my Twitter app.
I replaced it with a productive app. (Water reminding app).
Social media is a silent GOAL KILLER.
Yea, I said it.
Think about how much time we spend being noisy... (I'm included).
I'm going to work on cutting back.
My friends and I have been talking about getting our life together for 2017!
I am with that movement man!
That’s one thing about the people in my circle they keep me inspired, motivated, and constantly laughing.
Shout to “The Girls”
I am going to get things in line.
This blog is just a small reminder that life is going to happen and sometimes it won’t be in your control.
Just because you didn’t meet all of your 2016 goals doesn’t mean you failed.
2016 taught me that in order to reach a goal one must have a TRUE plan of execution.
Not just scribbled words on a note pad. A true plan of action.
This one is for those goal diggers! Let’s set those goals and make it happen!
Let's hold each other accountable for making 2017 a better year.
Set goals. Make a plan. Execute. (in that order).

To motivate. To share. To inspire. To give hope.