Sunday, September 29, 2013

Plugged into Positivity

Dear Inspirations 

It all hit me just now that one thing had been the source of why I felt this way. 

All alone it was the electric company I had been plugged into that made me feel the way I did. 

Negative thoughts had took over my whole mind and body and I didn't even know it. 

The thoughts had been streaming  from the outside  and I had allowed them to be downloaded to my hard drive. 

Just because its streaming doesn't mean one should download it. 

When you change your way of thinking things become clearer visions become restored. 

The clouds clear and all of your dreams are right there closer than you can imagine. 

When you find the source of your pain do you cut it off? 
Do you take it all with a grain of salt and push forward? 
 Do you take that source and try to plug it into a new outlet? 
The answer can't be found here because I can't tell you what to do but I will tell you to do what's best for your heart. 

Truth: This life was granted for you to Live and one can sit there plugged into the wrong source but in the end no power will ignite fire. 

Those Dreams won't feed themselves. 

Perhaps this isn't a new revelation for me it's  really just a confirmation for the 100th time in my life that its time to plug into a outlet of positivity. 

Stream in all of Gods gracious power. 

Everyday will be hard and everyday will be a challenge but it will be worth it. 

This one was really just for me. 

Love Jasmine P. 

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