Dear inspirations
What's family?
Are they really the group of people your born into?
Can they be a group of other people that you have created a bond with over time?
Here's my take on it...
Many people depend on family to always have their back and to always be present no matter what.
Sometimes we won't them to do things that they aren't capable of doing.
Does that make them less family?
Family are the people that you can't change even if you wanted to.
We are all born into different families, with different problems and personalities.
Can we always put up with them?
My family is a small group of people that I just so happen to not see often or even talk to.
My dad who i love dearly, my sisters, my nephew my god parents and brothers, a cousin or 2 and my nigerian family are the people I truly believe care about me.
My immediate friends are also considered family to me.
My boyfriend is also considered to be family right along with his mom and brother.
These people accept me for who I am. Always on my team always routing for me!
On a day to day basis I know I can call on them because that's what family is for.
Some of us are lucky enough to have a large family and some of us have only a few.
Either way these people are the ones that celebrate you, teach you, influence you and help who you are.
In tough situations I know Exactly who they are and no matter the time or place.
Family has my back.
F- forever your support
A- advice anytime you need it
M- motivation to keep going
I- in a time of need we will help you
L-love you unconditionally
Y- your biggest fan
Can't even be mad at the people that share the same blood but don't act like family. It's just the way it is.
Love Jasmine P.
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