Dear Inspirations,
Today I woke up at 3AM with this burning desire to have more.
If I’m being honest it’s not every day I wake up with this desire.
Some days I am okay with the way the cards are.
No, I am not saying I am okay with my life as a whole.
I’m saying that some days I just wake up and get the day done.
However, today was different.
I woke up with the desire to get more.
The desire to be more.
The desire to try just a little bit harder.
Often times we find ourselves complacent or content with our circumstances.
I believe this is how people get stuck at a job for 30 years.
No raise. No title change. Just stuck as “Susan sales associate”.
Sometimes we never ask for more because we are just content with mediocre.
It’s not until something happens that sparks a fire in our heart.
For example, if you’re working and your pay is fairly decent, you’re able to pay your bills and you can take your family vacations would you be as eager to ask for a salary increase?
Most of the time no.
But, if all of a sudden your rent is increased by 20% and you have to pay for school out of pocket the need for a salary increase changes.
Sometimes we just need to ask for more before it gets to that.
Today I woke up with the desire for more.
I get it, it’s tough to ask for more.
I will even go out on a limb and say it’s tough to get your foot in the door let alone be able to ask for more.
TRUST me I know. I’ve been there. No, I’m still there.
So then what do you do?
Well, you continue pressing. You continue applying. You continue asking.
You don’t forget about what you really want, better yet you don’t forget what you deserve!
I don’t want to wake up and realize that 30 years passed me by and I was still “Susan sales associate”
We see them all the time. We work with them. They are our family. These people are our friends.
Now wait I am not saying anything is wrong with that. I’m simply saying that’s not the life I want.
We often wait and wait for the right time.
We often wait for the promotion to knock on our door.
I’m saying don’t wait.
I’m saying don’t just sit there and hope they change your title.
Go for it.
You are the only competition.
I know it’s discouraging and I know it’s hard.
But guess what? If anyone is capable it’s you.
You’ve been through so much. You always rise to the top.
Who doesn’t deserve more?
Seriously, how come celebrities continue to be a part of commercials and endorsements?
For more!
How did the Kardashians become a household name?
Because they didn’t stop, they ran with the small window of opportunity and became moguls.
They kept asking for more. If there wasn't a door they made one.
So I’ll simply ask.
What’s stopping you?
Until we meet again,