Thursday, November 19, 2015


You ever have a moment when things are really just all over the place? But in the midst of the storm  you feel calm. You feel like God is in control and even though you want to panic you can't. I'm one of those people that preach about faith and not to worry. 

If you allow me to be transparent I'll be honest and say I worry more than most. I lose hope and often I feel like I'm fighting so many battles. In reality we are all fighting battles some worse than others.

 The people around the world that are battling cancer. There are so many struggling to even put food on their tables. I'm so grateful not to be experiencing those struggles. 

It's times like this one that I am able to reflect and just thank God for his graciousness and his mercy. Even in the midst of all of my trials I know that he is still blessing me. He still gives me favor in many situations. 

Today I write just to remind myself of where I am in life. I want to remind myself of how things could be worse. I want to remind myself that In my deepest times that I am not alone. 

I'll pray.
I'll wait. 
I'll trust. 

To motivate. To share. To inspire. To give hope.